Dermapen™ Treatments

Dermapen Treatments

Advanced Micro-skin Needling

The Dermapen™ is a revolutionary micro-needling device which aims to tighten, lift and rejuvenate skin.

Dermapen Treatments

Advanced Micro-skin Needling

Advanced Micro-skin Needling

The Dermapen™ is a revolutionary micro-needling device which aims to tighten, lift and rejuvenate skin without significant downtime.* The treatment is more effective in piercing the skin than traditional skin needling rollers.

The science behind needling

Dermapen can be as effective as Fractional laser, chemical peels, IPL and other skin rejuvenation techniques without the significant downtime, making Dermapen a popular treatment at SAI.

The principle idea behind Dermapen needling is that micro injuries to the skin promote collagen and elastin growth as a by-product to healing.**

Essentially, as your body heals the skin increases the production of collagen and elastin and this production leads to fresher, rejuvenated skin.

Dr Clark recommends Dermapen for:

  • Skin tightening
  • Collagen induction
  • Skin lifting and Rejuvenation
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Stretch marks
  • Acne scars
  • Pore size
  • Hair regeneration

Dermapen™ vs. Dermal Rollers

The Dermapen™’s needles enter the skin at a 90 degree angle, eliminating the pain and epidermal tearing associated with dermal rollers.

Crossover Treatment

A solid skin foundation is the perfect blank canvas to begin your anti-ageing work from.

The Demapen 3 has all the ability to act as a stand-alone treatment but the power is in the ultimate prize; that of a complete and thorough anti-ageing protocol.

Dermapen prepares the skin to tackle more pressing anti-ageing concerns with specific treatments including Dermal Fillers to match your skin type and desired beauty objectives.

Dr Alastair Clark

Dr Clark has presented at numerous international congresses in Europe, Asia and South Africa.

His interpretation of the aesthetic need and facial assessment, combined with advanced injection and moulding techniques yield previously unattained results for non-surgical techniques.


How many treatments are recommended for rejuvenation, acne scarring and stretch marks?

General guide Rejuvenation: 4-6 treatments, 4 weeks apart Acne scarring: 6 treatments, 6 weeks apart Stretch marks: 4-8 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart

Should I prepare my skin before having a Dermapen™ Treatment?

For optimal results, a period of effective active treatment creams, such as Vitamin A, C or Resveratrol & Procyanidin is recommended to allow the skin’s strength to build-up (especially for thin or delicate skin areas).

How long should it take before I see results?

Typically, patients have reported seeing results after the first treatment.* More significant results may occur after 4 to 6 treatments (spaced 4-6 weeks apart). * Your skin will continue to improve over the next 6-12 months after a course of treatments and when combined with the recommended post treatment care.

Is the treatment painful?

For minimum needle depths Dermapen™ Treatments are painless. Treatments over 0.5mm deep, may require a topical anesthetic cream to be applied for 15-40 minutes before the procedure. This will render the treatments virtually pain free.*

Is there any downtime after treatments?

Generally no, but you may experience facial redness for 12-48 hours after the treatment. Most people are able to return to normal daily activities immediately after the treatment. Application of a breathable camouflage will seal the skin and cover any redness for an immediate return to work.

How soon after filler injections can I have a Dermapen™ Treatment?

It is recommended to wait at least 7 days after filler injections, so that any post treatment bruising from the fillers can settle. It is also possible to have your Dermapen™ Treatment several days before having fillers injected. Consult with Dr Clark prior to determine exactly how long a wait is best in each particular case.


Before & After photos does not guarantee specific results and the results can vary from person to person.

Dermapen Dermapen


Specific results of our products can vary from person to person.

Please visit our Online Store for a wide selection of Cosmeceutical Products from leading brands.

A World of Combination Treatments

Combining areas very often offers more cost effective treatments that treat specific areas such as bottocks, thighs and tummy. You may also benefit from cellulite reduction, fat reduction & skin lifting or choose to target hair and leg vein removal.

Skin Brightening in Sandton

IV Skin Brightening

Lighten Skin Complexion

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Strengthen, Slim & Energize
CelluCare Mesotherapy Treatments in Sandton

CelluCare Mesotherapy

Fight Cellulite & Fat.
Results of our treatments are specific and do vary from person to person. Dr Clark will discuss your expectations during your consultation and work out a customised treatment plan tailored for you needs and budget.

Dermapen Microneedling

Microneedling: Advances and widening horizons Indian Dermatol Online J. 2016 Jul-Aug; 7(4): 244–254. Microneedling Therapy in Atrophic Facial Scars: An Objective Assessment Imran Majid, J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2009 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 26–30.

Acne Scars Dermapen Research

Acne Scars Dermapen team has found the following clinical publications on the treatment of acne scars micro needling Acne scarring impacts an individual’s life both physically and emotionally. A variety of therapies have been tried with varying amounts of success. However, “There is no simple definitive solution for acne scarring, which is a difficult problem to treat” (Fabbrocini et al., 2009). Dermal ablative techniques using mechanical (dermabrasion) or light energy (ablative laser resurfacing) have been used, historically, with good effect but long down times and serious side effect profiles. Surgical incision or injection of fillers is currently also used. Milder, less invasive therapies use fractionated micro-injuries and include fractional laser and needle dermabrasion. Both of these therapies deliver micro-injuries to the epidermis and superficial dermis triggering the healing process and changing the structure of the epidermis-dermis. These therapies have less down time after treatment, fewer side effects such as hyperpigmentation and scarring, and are less operator-dependent (Fife 2011). Needle dermabrasion has been studied specifically for acne scar revision (Fabbrocii et al., 2009; Imran 2009; Leheta et al., 2011). Fabbrocini et al., (2009) studied the effects of needle dermabrasion in 18 subjects on the appearance of acne rolling scars. Improvement was statistically significant, and cutaneous casts showed a 25% reduction in depth of irregularity in the five subjects studied. Importantly, there were no side effects such as erythema or pigmentation changes in any of the subjects. Majid (2009) studied 37 patients with atrophic acne scars treated with 3 to 4 sessions of microneedling. The severity of the scars was rated with the Goodman and Baron qualitative scale. Improvement of scars by two grades occurred in 72%, improvement by one grade occurred in another 17%. Leheta et al., (2011) compared microneedlng to TCA CROSS (focal application of trichloroacetic acid with a sharpened wood applicator) for atrophic acne scars. Fifteen subjects were allocated into each group. Using the Lipper scale (Lipper et al., 2006) and a “quartile scale of response to treatment” both groups had significant improvement of 68% for microneedling and 75% for CROSS. There was no significant difference found between the efficacy of microneedling and the well-established CROSS technique. Fabbrocini G, Fardella N, Monfrecola A, Proietti I, Innocenzi D (2009) Acne scarring treatment using skin needling. Clin Exp Dermatol 34: 874-879. Majid I (2009) Microneedling therapy in atrophic facial scars: An objective assessment. J Cut Aesthet Surg 2:26-30. Leheta T, El Tawdy A, Abdel Hay R, Farid S (2011) Percutaneous collagen induction versus full-concentration trichloroacetic acid in the treatment of atrophic acne scars. Dermatol Surg 37:207-216.

Book a Dermapen Treatment

Or simply make an enquiry and tell us about your skin concerns.